My son finished amoxicillin day 10. First noticed a very fat lip. Then noticed what looked similar to a mosquito bite. The lip increased in size while eating his breakfast. Called the doctor got an appointment and less than an hour later feet had rash and swelling. Saw Doctors and was told 5ml benedryl twice a day. Did that, oatmeal bath and a hydrocortisone rub down. Fell asleep and woke screaming and scratching. An additional dose of benedryl and another hydrocortisone rub down. Day 11, bottom lip down, top lip swelled to the point of no creases, both feet and hands swollen, rash is raised and circular is the most prominent pattern. Called doctor and they phoned in prednisone. Within 4 hours raised rash was almost flat, turned sort of grey in the middle of the red and pink outlines. Swelling better in feet but can still not wear shoes.This is the second time he has had amoxicillin in his life (almost 3). The first he did have this but much more minor and was said to be viral. Now has it as an allergy on his record.Have pictures to document these 2 days and post treatment.
swollen feet from augmentin
My son had the same reaction after the 9th day of taking Amoxcillin he started with a small rash the next day more patches appeared by early the next morning his body was covered in hives and welts. My sons feet, hands, eyes, ears were all swollen. Took him to his pedia dr. Started the steriod the rash flattened and started going away.I would include pictures but not sure how to attach them to this forum.
3. Coop litter should be kept dry and as clean as possible to avoid bacteria and chicken parasites. Consider using sand instead of pine shavings or straw in the coop and run. Any spills drain away from the surface of sand quickly, and sand is not as hospitable to bacterial growth as other litter types and it coats and desiccates droppings, which results in cleaner feet.
Some forms of ankle swelling need immediate medical attention and may require medical intervention. Most people are aware of the difference between ankles becoming swollen because they have been on their feet all day and swelling dues to other causes.
Damaged veins result in complications and can lead to pooling of blood in the leg area owing to compression and obstruction of the veins. As well as swollen ankles, you may suffer from swollen feet, legs, changes in the skin, and ulcers.
Tonsils are the two oval-shaped pads of tissue in the back of your throat. They help protect your body from infection. However, sometimes they get infected and inflamed (red and swollen) and this is called tonsillitis. Tonsillitis symptoms usually go away after three to four days.
In addition to enclosed joints becoming infected and swollen, foot lesions in the young piglet are also common. These usually result from cracking or abrasion of the contact surface of the claw - due to floor damage - with opportunist bacteria gaining entry to the wound, infecting the inner tissues of the toe (laminae) and from there spread into the local joints. If untreated, eventually the infection will break out above the claw as a weeping abscess. (Fig 3.)
But in late April 2020, physicians in Europe and the United States began to report a small but growing number of cases of children afflicted with a new multisystem inflammatory syndrome that appeared to be associated with COVID-19. Doctors began treating very sick children, many of whom tested positive for COVID-19, with some combination of fever, red eyes, swollen hands and feet, rash, and gastrointestinal problems, all of which are symptoms related to inflammation. 2ff7e9595c